So, when I posted my last blog post on January 19th, I said that I'd do an update soon... well, sorry that soon hasn't come. LOL
Last week MY LAPTOP CRASHED and it had ALL of my pics on it, craft wise, blog wise, and all the pics of cards I've recently been working on over the last few weeks, as well as a whole slew of about 40 cards that I made last year before my cross country move, that I hadn't gotten a chance to post due to the unexpectedness of my cross country move.
So, I'm working on "trying" to get my laptop fixed, and HOPEFULLY (please pray for me, light a candle for me, throw a coin a fountain for me and shout from a rooftop) I can get all my pics and documents recovered.
This weekend I'm going to "retake" pics of the cards I've been working on over the last few weeks (I still have the cards, haven't sent them to my new sister in law yet), and I'll work on getting them posted. When my laptop crashed, I lost my photo program as well, so I have to work on finding a new GOOD and FREEEEEEE photo program that will allow me to open several photos at once, as Paint Shop Pro did.
I'm super bummed out, very sad and super stressed about my laptop crashing, it had irreplaceable pictures on it, pics that were never saved to a cd or flash drive. :( because I'm a dummy and just haven't taken the time to do it!!!
The screwed up thing is, 2 days before my laptop crashed I had told hubby, when we get paid next week, I need to get some cd-r's and backup my pics and docs.
:( *insert the super sad face here*
So anyhow, I PROMISE I will work on getting the pics retaken this weekend and get some stuff posted. I know I don't have a lot of followers on my blog, but I appreciate all my blog stalkers. :)
Thanks y'all and as I always say...
Keep on Craftin'
~Melisa Marie
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