WHEWWWWWWW!!!! I've been gone for SO long, but I have been busy!!
So, I may not have been updating my blog (as I said I've been busy), but I have made some cards. More than a few I guess I could say. LOL
Life has been so very hectic for me, and crafting lately has seemed to be on the back burner because I just haven't had time to sit for hours on end and craft. But, over the last 2 or 3 months I've made time here and there to make some cards. So, here is just SOME of what I've made. I snapped a few pics of "some" of the cards I made, these are all going to a new home to be able to be given to others with love.
I have made more than these, but for now, here's a sneak peek. Remember, my laptop had crashed a few months back, and I just got it back from my AWESOME little brother who fixed it for me, he's such a nerdy techy, and I love that! thankfully, he fixed her up good for me and she is now back in working order, so I'm able to snap, sort, resize, watermark etc. all my crafty pics. with that being said, I have TONS of pics to go through and resize and watermark to post them here, that's why I'm only putting these couple pics up right now.
I have at least 100 cards I've made over the last few months, so just look below for a sneak peek and I'll post more later (many of which aren't even shown in this pic!)
So, here are some of the things I've done over the last few months...
This is SOME of them... all laid out. sorry the pic is so bad, I just couldn't get my camera to cooperate with me. The glare from the sun was just too much, I had the curtain half open, then closed it and the pic was even worse. LOL :-/
A close up of a few of them. I made a couple of these with SEVERAL duplicates. For instance, the birdie card in the back, and the lion card in the back, both of those, I made 3 of them. Same layout, but different colors.... pics to be posted soon!
Some of these came out so cute that I had to make lots of them. They were made to send to my new Sister-in-law. She married my younger brother, and they moved from Montana to Utah (he is in the military, and needed to relocate for his new job for a couple of years), and she has NEVER lived away from home. I thought it would be nice to give her some cards that she can send back home to family and friends.
I figured since I had a lot of "girly" ones, I had to make some guy-ish
ones. LOL I figured the ice cream cone ones were kinda cool. (no pun
intended. lol)
The cards haven't been sent to her yet, and I still have more to make.
Aren't they so cute and pretty? :)
Well, that's what I have for now. I have resized some of the pics already for some of the individual cards I've done to make blog posts for. I still have quite a few cards that I made that aren't in these pics, so I'll get working on resizing and watermarking those as well so that I can post them soon!
I hope you've enjoyed my sneak peek and I hope you'll come back soon to see more of what I've done! Come back to see me soon, I'll update again very shortly!
Keep on Craftin'
~Melisa Marie
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