I was going to add this note to my last blog post at the bottom, but I figured I would just make it into it's post...
Many of you in the blogging world understand WHY so many of
us crafters "watermark" our images. I was talking with a friend and she
didn't quite understand the point of going through all the extra steps
and "trouble" (as she stated) of doing this. Simply put, I don't want
anyone to take my work and post it on their website, blog, facebook page
etc... and claim it as their own.
I've actually had
this done to me in the past, and it was an extremely difficult process
to get MY work recognized as MY work and removed from their website. it
took several months of fighting to do so, but thankfully I had proof
that I had posted my photos online before she had even created her blog
So, long story short, and a warning to those that
don't....WATERMARK YOUR IMAGES!!! It will save you the grief of
fighting later to prove your work is actually your work.
as my friend stated "using a watermark really takes away from the
beauty of your finished product". Well, yes, that is true. It does make
the photo look less appealing, but I'd rather have a watermark splashed
across my picture than have to worry about fighting to get my work
recognized as my own and not as someone else' work.
/end rant ;)
Keep on Craftin'
~Melisa Marie
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